I am in the process of trying to write Christmas cards for as many friends possible before we all leave campus for Christmas break in a couple of weeks. I started over Thanksgiving break with 14 cards and candy canes, but suddenly realized when I got back on campus of all the people I forgot! I am a part of so many friend circles that I lose track of how many friends I actually have sometimes.
This weekend has been a wonderful reminder to me of how many friends I have, how many people care about me. I spent different parts of the weekend with different friends, going to Campus Christmas, watching fun movies and videos, and visiting friends' dorms. And a few days ago, I received three different invitations to three different Christmas parties, all in one day. At first, I was overwhelmed, wondering how I would find the time to go to all of them. But after remembering that the Christmas parties were going to be fun things (Having fun? What??) and that at each one, I would get to be with my friends, I decided to make time to go to all of them. I want to celebrate the birth of my Savior with ALL of my friends and remember together the gift that God gave. I want to fellowship with other believers that love and care about me, and I love and care about them, too.
Looking back, I remember that I have always been a "floater," never having a specific group of people I was always associated with. In middle school, I had my band friends, my morning news friends, and my honors friends. In high school, there were the Band Geeks, the Choir Nerds, my honors friends, my church friends, and a few other random friends I met in my different classes (e.g. the English 11 Table 3 friends). And now that I'm a sophomore in college, I have my Printy 10-12 friends from last year, my camp friends from back home, my Maddox 23-24 friends from this year, my MOMM girls, my music major family, my nursing major friends that I know through my roommate, and of course my HeartSong family. And these very diverse groups hardly ever overlap. It's not necessarily that I'm involved in a lot of orgs, but just that I have a lot of different interests, and as a human I gravitate toward the people that share my interests. (Choosing bridesmaids is going to be difficult...)
But I love every single one of my friends for the person they are, and I wish that they all have an amazing Christmas season. I hope they all realize that I love them, but that our God loves us so much more than I could ever love. Even if I don't have enough time (or money) to get everyone a card, I hope they feel loved by Christ just the same. And I am SO excited for Heaven, when ALL my friends will get to fellowship together with the one purpose of giving glory to our Savior. Because it is in Christ that we are all unified; He is the Head of the body, the church, of which we all get to be a part. I love that I can be a part of God's plan, and I can carry out His plan with great people that I love so much.
To my friends and my family: I love you so very much. All of you.
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